How to get a Dubai transit visa or tourist visa

If Dubai is among your next travel destinations, we recommend you start planning for your visa application. Will you have a long layover or stopover that enables you to explore the city of dunes and seemingly never-ending skyscrapers? Perhaps you are thinking of some weeks of luxury and pampering under the sun? Or maybe you are a thrill-seeker looking for safari tours and extreme sports experiences? Regardless of the kind of traveller you are, a specific type of Dubai travel visa has already been devised for you, and it will be selected according to the length of the time period you intend to stay rather than the purpose of your visit.

As long as all requirements are met and the applicant does not need to provide additional information, most visas to enter Dubai are issued within 3 or 4 working days after the application is submitted. When the authority responsible for issuing the tourist Visa to Dubai deems it necessary to process it urgently in view of the proximity of the date of entry, an express modality will be processed, implying the payment of an extra fee by the applicant. All applications must be accompanied by a copy of the passport bio page in colour (which is the passport page containing your photo), a copy of the last page of the passport, a clear ID photo and proof of residency in the country from which you are a national.

Below you will find a brief outline of the most frequently issued visas to visit Dubai.

30-day Dubai tourist visa

This modality remains valid 58 days starting from the day it is issued and allows the traveller to stay for a maximum of 30 days from the date of entry recorded. The total amount of fees and charges to be paid for this application is 97USD (120USD in the express modality), which will not be refunded if the visa is denied. Visitors from some countries may be required to also pay a deposit but, in this particular case, the amount corresponding to this extra fee will be refunded once the stay ends and the exit from Dubai is correctly recorded by the immigration authorities.

96-hour transit visa to Dubai

You must apply for this modality when you are having a stopover or layover in Dubai that is between some hours and a period of up to 4 days long, thus being able to get out of DXB International Airport and roam the city, join guided tours or even stay in one of our recommended hotels in Dubai. The cost of applying for this visa is 73USD (96USD in the express modality). Its validity period lasts 30 days from the moment it is issued and gives a 96-hour stay allowance until your return flight. In short stays, it will be of critical importance that you take into account the time you will need to transfer to and from the airport and go through security so that you do not miss your onward flight.

90-day Dubai visit visa (multy entry)

With this travel visa, you will be authorised to enter the emirate on multiple occasions during a time period spanning 90 days from the first entry record, without the need for applying for a new visa every time. Its validity will not expire as long as you use it within 58 days after it is approved. All fees and charges add up to 490USD to be paid by the applicant.

In addition to the explained above, you may check other visa modalities for your trip to Dubai and find further information about the specific requirements for nationals of your country of origin on the official application site. Moreover, know that you can visit Dubai as a tourist as well as to attend exhibitions and trade fairs as a professional, and the procedures may be arranged, for instance, on behalf of the members of your delegation. Both shorter and longer stay periods are available, and you are strongly advised to pay special attention to the criteria for eligibility and the mandatory documentation to be submitted so that your application gets approval without delay.